
Urja Mitra is a Citizen-Centric application that provides Outage Management and Notification Platform for dissipating the outage information to power distribution consumers through SMS/email/push notifications. It also provides Pan-India integrated Mobile Application for Android and iOS platforms to enable citizen to access outage information for Distribution Companies. Power Consumers can also inform about power outage in their area through mobile app.

The contents displayed on mobile/web dashboard of “Urja Mitra” are collated information, as entered by On-Board DISCOMS. The task of Updation of Database of rural and urban Consumers/ corresponding feeders /employees/corresponding mobile numbers etc. along with disseminating/displaying respective scheduled/unscheduled power outage information lies with respective On-Board Discoms. Information displayed/disseminated with respect to Power Outages duration, frequency and schedule being dependent on information entered by responsible officer of the respective DISCOM, does not claim to provide an exact picture of outage scenario of corresponding area. Similarly, On-Boarding of States/DISCOMs and updation of their database especially of feeders and respective tagged consumers , being a continuous and ongoing process, the Web portal/App does not claim to provide an exact picture of Outage numbers/duration on a Pan-India basis.

The operator of this web portal i.e. REC Transmission Projects Company Limited, Rural Electrification Corporation Limited, sourcing entities of information and Ministry of Power are not responsible for correctness, any direct, indirect, special, coincidental, consequential or any other damages/losses whatsoever and to whomsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with the use or reliance of the information available on the portal, including any loss of profits, loss of goodwill, data, business interruption, personal injury, or any other pecuniary loss.

The information on this portal/app is without subjecting the same to any expert or independent audit. It is not intended to:

a. Form any basis or suggest any idea about any investment nor should the same be used for quoting or relying in any judicial/quasi-judicial proceeding.

b. Form any connection with or be relied upon for any contract or commitment whatsoever.

c. Form any basis for comparison of outage or other data with similar data of Discoms available from other sources.

While reasonable steps shall be taken to regularly update the information and utmost care is being taken to maintain the accuracy of the information by Discoms; however, no assurance or responsibility should be attached to the accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of information available on portal. Viewers are requested to take into account the prevailing law and Government policies and actual information regarding other related factors while forming any opinion, coming to any conclusion or taking any decision.

If any person/entity chooses to rely on the contents of this portal, they may choose to do so at their own risk and the operator of the portal accepts/incurs no liability/responsibility whatsoever in such case.

Kindly contact the web portal manager for any information in this regard.